AI has become disruptive in many ways, especially for developers using AI agents to debug software, remediate errors, and even automatically generate the whole code...
A few days ago, I discussed with a few colleagues the different techniques for identifying Open Source Licenses using tools. While many approaches exist, most...
AI has become disruptive in many ways, especially for developers using AI agents to debug software, remediate errors, and even automatically generate the whole code for simple applications.
A few days ago, I discussed with a few colleagues the different techniques for identifying Open Source Licenses using tools. While many approaches exist, most are based on regular expressions...
Si has llegado a este post es probablemente porque estas buscando un sitio web relacionado con alguno de mis proyectos que lamentablemente ya no se encuentra activo, y este dominio...
This is the set of configurations I use more frequently when setting up a RaspberryPI as desktop enviroment. Probably there’s better options and solutions, but I like to use this...
Al fin llegamos al tercer post relacionado con trabajar en el extranjero. En esta oportunidad quiero compartir algunos tips para conseguir una entrevista.
Hace ya algun tiempo queria escribir sobre este tema, sobre lo que paso con GNUCHILE y como termino todo, no con la idea de ventilar lo sucedido, sino más bien...